Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Social gospels, epithets and real happiness

As a child I was gifted a folder by my sister with few lines written on it, I still haven't forgotten those lines - Life is like a river, Simple and Serene, Flowing through the meadows, Ever So Green.

When we talk from a child's perspective, these lines are just the apt explanation for what life is. There are no complications, no duties, no responsibilities. The only tension in life is that of the pending home work and the forthcoming class tests. But as we grow, our understanding matures, and with that the mantle of responsibilities falls on our poor shoulders. Unfortunately, there is no option to shrug off any of them. Our elders have certain expectations, which we are required to meet, or else we shall be deemed to be the black sheep.

In fulfilling our responsibilities towards the society in general and the duties towards the family in particular, the meaning of life is lost somewhere. We get confounded in the busy schedules of our everyday routines and forget what the goal in life actually is. LIFE, a beautiful word, full of positive energy and describing something to do with sustenance becomes an obtuse, irksome, aimless and monotonous ongoing process.

We forget that life is to be lived with enthusiasm doing things which bring us, as well as others, happiness; rather than blindly following what we consider as social obligations. My intent here is not to become disruptive to the normal standards of social behavior, but at the same time not to be so bound to the laid down tenets of social demeanor, that you end up spending your life being caught in the dogmas of the society and forget to live life in totality.

Life is to be lived, nurtured, by doing small things which the conscience tells us and not merely abiding by the so-called rules of the society. Many times I come across individuals who are so obsessed with the society and societal thinking in which they have grown, that even though they want to come out of such social atmosphere, it is almost impossible for them to do so, as they have gradually become part and parcel of such a society. The question is whether in striving to abide by the gospels of the society are we becoming the very person we dislike most in the society?

The best way to understand happiness is to look at it from a child's perspective. "Think like a child" and you will know what is right. A child just needs small things to make him happy. Get him a toy or a sweet, he is happy with you. He is least concerned with what to wear, what is your neighbor doing, how much money is involved in a particular gift he has been given, where is the neighbor throwing the garbage, etc etc. The fundamentals of life for him are very simple - only try to achieve something that is good for you, and do not bother about anything else. The day we stop bothering about 'others', we shall know the oracle to happiness.

Other perspective to happiness can be a 'forever positive' approach. A negative step by you towards any person may help you win once, but somewhere down your life you will still have some sort of repentance. If someone is acting antagonistic to you, the first thought should not be revenge, instead, one should go into the root cause of the behavior, the begetting circumstances to such a behavior. The next step should be whether there is a distant possibility of reformation. If there is even a small probability of rectification, then a positive approach will definitely fetch you results in the long run.

The aforesaid positive approach should not only be limited to acts rather should also extend to thoughts and interpretation. Under normal circumstances, no one is a sadist and would do or say hurtful things merely for deriving pleasure. Than would it be fair to interpret words and deeds to mean something malicious every time? Pause. Think. It could be you who is deciphering pernicious intentions to an otherwise ordinary act or statement.

A positive approach in life helps a person endure the worst of circumstances. A person who attributes positive intentions to people and behavior is bound to be happier than a pessimist. Everyday we come across people who indulge in gossip - gossip not only about society in general, but about your own family members, your relatives. Many a times, people indulge in criticism just for the sake of passing time. Can a person who is always criticizing or finding faults in every other person in life ever be happy? The answer is simple - Definitely not. Because no matter how much such a person seeks happiness, it will elude him. Happiness lies in appreciating and not undue criticism.

Another important aspect to happiness is 'a fair judgment'. Finding faults with others is easy, but can we find faults within? I remember the lines of Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan - "Geet mere dehri ke deep sa ban", meaning thereby that my words should not only enlighten the world, but should also enligthen one's soul. A person who can not criticize himself does not have a right to criticize anything. A person who can analyze oneself will always be a conscience driven man. Such a person will never blame others for his misery, but would always strive to bring happiness by his own acts.

Half the world's population is unhappy just because they have complaints, complaints against their family members, the society, the government, the laws, the legal system, the world population at large, and if no one else is available, complaints against GOD. Have we analyzed our own actions even once? Are we cent per cent correct? If not, charity begins at home. First purify yourself and then complain.

Its time we pause our life for some time and analyze ourselves, whether we have fulfilled the sine quo non of a good life. Instead of running after the social definition of a good human being, we should test ourselves on the touchstone of our own conscience, because all religions, all spiritual leaders, all social tenets trace their origin to the single truth - the conscience. So, isnt it better if rather than following blindly what others have laid down, we apply our minds, our conscience, our reasoning to decide the rights and wrongs for us!!!!!